Bareknuckle Poet ~ Journal of Letters ISSN 2204 – 0420.
(Formerly Retort Magazine) We favour the cutting edge over the blunt of the handle and the avant-garde over backward walking.
Archived by the National Library of Australia our imprint Bareknuckle Books publishes an annual print anthology of writing previously appearing in the journal.
Publishing on a semi-regular itinerary, we welcome submissions all year round.
“For those who protest that most of these thousands of journals can be dismissed as marginal—that we need pay attention to only a handful of “prestigious” ones, like Poetry and The New Yorker-—may I suggest that there could be a few Blakes or Dickinsons swimming with the guppies in that wide prosodic sea? If a truly titanic poet were to appear, wouldn’t one of the less visible but more adventuresome journals—-Retort Magazine, say (“we favor the cutting edge over the blunt of the handle, the avant-garde over backward walking”)—be more likely to be his or her publisher than would status-conscious professional journals like Ploughshares and American Poetry Review?”
– David Alpaugh, The New Math of Poetry, The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education Washington D.C, U.S.A Feb 21, 2010
All works published by Bareknuckle Poet are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Please submit no more than three of your best previously unpublished poems. You will receive a reply, but please be patient. We receive large numbers of poems for consideration. Simultaneous submissions are fine but please inform us if your poem/poems are published elsewhere before you hear from us.
If your poetry is visual, please submit under the Visual Poetry category.
Submit visual works here.
- graphic poetry (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc)
- Spoken word (video - please upload your film to youtube or vimeo and submit the URL *don't attach your raw file)
- Instagram poems (we'll embed if your profile is public so submit the URLs of your works)